
I will write it in a song, but never say it to your face...

Alright, I'm too fucking frustrated with my inability to put thoughts to paper, so instead I will just say this:

Go listen to the album 'Control' by Pedro the Lion. It will kick your ass, leave you weeping, beat up, and yet somehow wanting more.

That is all... I'm going to go kick some puppies and push some old people in front of cars. Gotta love the sound of elderly bone crunches...


The joys of video manipulation...

As a proud subscriber/evangelist for Salon.com, I'm always excited to share with others the goodness that they have to offer. As much as I enjoy their in-depth political analysis and willingness to tackle controversy, I have to say I enjoy their Arts & Entertainment features the best. While they have dwindled a bit of late (I think it's just the new layout that makes it seem that way...although I like the re-design for reading the articles, the organization is not that great for browsing in general), their 'Audiofile' and 'Video Dog' sections are great resources. True, they're just compiling info that's already out there, but they do a damn fine job of it.

I found these Video Dog features especially enjoyable:

Proof of Cheney's Evil (from Letterman)
Brownie's Balls (from The Daily Show)



Huzzah to The Onion!

I'm not sure how many loyal Podcast subscribers there are out there, but, if you are, you have to subscribe to The Onion Radio News.

Recent stand-outs include:
  • Abusive Obsessive-Compulsive Has To Punch Wife Exactly 20 Times
  • U.S. Teens Lead World In Pregnancy-Test Scores
  • Jerry Lewis Undergoes Emergency Gefloigel Surgery (especially funny)
  • Christian Porn Film Climaxes With Birth Of Child (the name of the porn? Wet Hot Miracles. HA!!)
Other Podcasts that I listen to consistently are Cinecast, Engadget, NPR Story of the Day, and Slate Magazine's Podcast.


Thank you, The Stamps...

...for introducing me to today's Greatest Song Ever, Right Now:

"She's Got You" by Patsy Cline

The Stamps did a rippin' pop-punk cover of this back at Olaf, and it was awesome. I always saw it on their set-lists as 'Patsy Cline', and just assumed it was a trick name. That is, until I realized it's actually a Patsy Cline tune.

I am so smart... S-M-R-T.


Greatest song ever, right now...

One Man Guy by Rufus Wainwright.

I would love to cover that sometime, solo acoustic.


This hurts me more than it hurts you...

I got tagged by Snarky Squab on this. Enjoy.

Four jobs I've had:
1. Field Training Associate – local online University
2. Computing Assistant – School of Psychology, St. Olaf College
3. Pro Shop Worker – The Garden Course – Grand View Lodge (Best. Job. Ever.)
4. Stage Manager – Heartland Symphony Orchestra (Basically I put the chairs and stands in the correct place on stage, and then tore them down at the end of the night. Exciting.)

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Grosse Pointe Blank
2. Donnie Darko
3. Bonnie and Clyde
4. The Big Lebowski

Four places I've lived:
1. Nisswa, MN (born ‘n raised)
2. Northfield, MN (College)
3. Minneapolis, MN (currently)
4. ???

Four TV shows I love:
1. The Simpsons
2. Six Feet Under
3. Family Guy
4. Crossing Jordan (guilty pleasure)

Four places I've vacationed:
1. England (and I’m going again in May…yaaaay!)
2. Alaska (twice)
3. NYC
4. Alabama (Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail, with my Dad)

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Rhinestone Cowboy Sandwich, Chatterbox (with Honey Mustard dipping sauce)
2. My Mom’s grilled cheese and chili in the winter
3. Black Bean Burger w/ mashed potatoes - BLB
4. Chipotle chicken burrito, both beans, green salsa, corn salsa, and cheese

Four sites I visit daily:
1. MacSurfer
2. Engadget
3. Questionable Content
4. Numerous friends’ blogs. Too many to count.

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Sleeping
2. NYC Apple Store w/ a mega gift certificate (stolen and adapted from Christopher)
3. Arizona, golfing. (I’m feeling a case of the ‘Mondays’, only caused by Winter instead)
4. Europe (yes, all of it.)

Four bloggers I am tagging:
1. Kickball Coach
2. Benj
3. Kristin
4. Temanoff


Poker!? ... I hardly know her!!

Kenny Rogers was so frickin' right...
Originally uploaded by Dels.

Last night we had our bi-monthly (or so) Texas Hold 'Em night, hosted again by Matt and Pam. As always, it was a cornucopia of offensive language, delicious snacks, and cutthroat poker action. And when I say cutthroat, I, of course, mean "very casual and enjoyable time between good friends that happens to revolve around a Texas Hold 'Em game." It was a fantastic time, as always.

I didn't have much as far as quality hands go, so I went out pretty early...3rd out I think. I had to leave early, so I still don't know who won, but it doesn't really matter. I reckon one of my bloggin' constituency, who primarily consist of my poker pals, will let me know in the comments, mmmkay?


The power of Feist compels you...

While I wanted to blog this earlier, it just didn't happen, so I'm a week late. Sorry.

Last Sunday, Andy and Anna and I (along with mutual friend Jackie, and Andy's co-worker Bridget) met at Pizza Lucé briefly before the show, and headed to the Fine Line to see Feist. I knew of Feist from Broken Social Scene, and had heard Mushaboom, her "radio hit," but I hadn't heard her solo album. Well, this show completely kicked my ass, and I have been listening to Let it Die non-stop ever since.

Jason Collett, also of Broken Social Scene, opened the show with his band Paso Mino. I supposed they could be considered 'Americana' (Would this be 'Canadiana' then?), which I generally am not a huge fan of. That is, I generally don't choose to listen to it. That being said, I was extremely impressed with Collett and his music. It was catchy, slightly jangly, just poppy enough, with the occasional BSS/Wilco-esque freak out parts. All in all, I loved it. His band was extremely tight, and Feist (who he called 'Feist's back-up singer') joined him on vocals on one tune, and on drums on 'I'll bring the Sun'. It was amazing to see all 5 feet of her rockin' out on drums, and completely kicking ass. Needless to say, my hopes for her set were extremely high...

...and her set did not let me down at all. It was amazing. She started her set with a looped vocal piece, layering gorgeous harmonized vocal line on top of gorgeous harmonized vocal line. It was like a more organic version of Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek. She would use this to great effect on her vocals throughout the show, as well as on guitar, laying a rhythm guitar line that she would base a song on, doing vocals and lead parts on top of it. Her guitar work was phenomenal, flawless yet very real, and her guitar tone was perfect for her style. (Leading me to whisper to Andy "Must...get...a reverb pedal..."). Her band ranged from four piece (Feist on guitar, with bass, drums, and keys) to ten people on stage, including Jason Collett and his entire band. Even with ten people on-stage, it never felt loose or over the top. Clearly they all follow the BSS school of rock.

This was a rejuvenating show, the kind that makes me angry that I don't go to more shows. Also, it was amazing how fucking good the Fine Line sounded. It rarely sounds full on bad there, but it never sounds good. It goes to show how big a difference a great sound person makes.


Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.

Well, until I get the time/motivation to write a post with some substance to it, please enjoy this bit of lunacy:

100 Facts About Chuck Norris