
Proof that a 900 year old Frog is infinitely wiser than our President

Yoda Poster
Originally uploaded by massdistraction.

The more I read every day, the more outraged I get with the state of the nation, and the more I feel like the people here are fucking looney. However, I am blessed with intelligent, rational friends and co-workers who are not willing to be apathetic, and who care about bettering themselves and our country.

Many thanks to you all.

After School Snack
Kickball Coach

It's good to have friends who think like you...

Here is an e-mail chain between my friend Colin and I:

Colin: As Bobby Brown would say, that's certainly your prerogative.
Kyle: Hehe. Bobby Brown. He's the funniest thing since R. Kelly. Or maybe it's the other way around, I forget...
C: I have a hard time deciding which is the bigger train wreck or funnier, though I'm leaning towards R. Kelly, what with Chapelle spoofing him and all.
K: Yeah, Bobby Brown wasn't funny until well into his 30's - 40's (no idea how old he is), but R. Kelly is still much younger, and has much more time to spiral further...

C: Ed Zachary - and he's already done pedophelia and peeing on people, not to mention "Trapped in the Closet".
K: Yeah.

Now, if he would only marry Courtney Love.

Now that would be a force to reckon with. That's quite the emotional cage match, R. Kelly and Courtney vs. Bobby and Whitney.

What do you all think? Who would win in that Battle Royale?


Iron & Gwen???

Does anyone else own 'In the Reins' by Iron & Wine and Calexico? If so, does anyone else think that '16, Maybe Less' sounds like 'Cool' by Gwen Stefani? Except for the 'Uh-oooooo' part in Gwen's tune, the melodies are very similar.

And yes, I think they're both good songs. So frickin' sue me.


I'm comin' down fast, but don't let me break you...

Today's edition of 'Greatest Songs Ever, Right Now' is sponsored by The Beatles' White Album and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band which are currently shuffling in my iPod at work.
  • Greatest Song Ever, Right Now #1: When I'm Sixty Four
  • Greatest Song Ever, Right Now #2: Helter Skelter
  • Greatest Song Ever, Right Now #3: Julia
From so much fun, to so metal, to so beautiful...


Iota's 'Strategic Defense Initiative' unveiled...

Alright, shameless plug time. My band Iota is playing at the Fine Line Wendesday, January 4th at 8:00 PM. it's a free show, assuming you print one of the following tickets:
As the subject of this post hints at very abstractly, we will be performing a brand new tune called 'Strategic Defense Initiative', which I am absolutely in love with. I can't wait to perform it. It's very vibe-y, and very emotive, but for fucks sake, don't call it Emo. Hope to see many of you at the show...it's 21+, and we're on at 8.

- Dels

PS: Greatest songs ever right now are 'Black Diamonds and Pearls' by Blackalicious and 'John Wayne Gacy Jr. by Sufjan Stevens. If you haven't heard either of these, find them now. Legally of course.


Aaaaand we're back...

Happy New Year everyone!

Well, after a nice 11+ month vacation, I reckon it's time to start posting here again with some regularity. Call it a New Year's resolution if you will. That, and I will post to my Flickr page more frequently as well.

I hope you like the re-design...new template, new colors...exciting! Not that it's any surprise, but my main influence was Apple's aqua color scheme, specifically that of their Mail program. I originally had the background a bit lighter, but the semi .gif files that make the windows look rounded in the theme I've chosen look best with this background color. So, that was pretty much the only element I didn't change from the standard 'Rounders' template. Alright, enough geek speak, sorry.

I hope you all had a safe and happy new year, and here's to a great '06. Huzzah!

- Dels