
Iota's 'Strategic Defense Initiative' unveiled...

Alright, shameless plug time. My band Iota is playing at the Fine Line Wendesday, January 4th at 8:00 PM. it's a free show, assuming you print one of the following tickets:
As the subject of this post hints at very abstractly, we will be performing a brand new tune called 'Strategic Defense Initiative', which I am absolutely in love with. I can't wait to perform it. It's very vibe-y, and very emotive, but for fucks sake, don't call it Emo. Hope to see many of you at the show...it's 21+, and we're on at 8.

- Dels

PS: Greatest songs ever right now are 'Black Diamonds and Pearls' by Blackalicious and 'John Wayne Gacy Jr. by Sufjan Stevens. If you haven't heard either of these, find them now. Legally of course.


At 10:02 PM, Blogger Moe said...

Damn, I totally forgot about the show tonight. How did it go?

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Kyle DeLaHunt said...

'Twasn't the tightest show we've ever played, but it was a good time. The aforementioned new tune went really well, which made me happy.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger SPG said...

Can I just say, I promise to make it to a show, as soon as I can get my head out of my domesticated ass and attempt going out on a school night.

Stop making me feel so old. Stop right now.


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